Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hello. Hola. Bonjour.

Hello and welcome to my blog. It has been years since I have written something in a public arena. A few good friends have recently been urging me to reopen the keyboard and get at it, but I didn’t feel like there was anything I felt like sharing. Then an interesting thing happened. I decided I need to change my life. And so, a blog idea is born.

Let me start by saying that never before in my life would I have thought I would start a blog about “food, health, and falling in love with cooking utensils.” I am not an expert in…well, anything…but especially not the area of HEALTH nor FOOD. But that is precisely why I thought a blog would be an interesting idea. A food blog from a girl who knows nothing about food. Maybe my journey can teach, inspire, or at least entertain someone else.

So what’s this all about?

I am not a healthy person. Before a few weeks ago, I rarely ever ate real food. (We’ll get into what’s “real” soon enough.) It was not uncommon for me to eat fast food two or three times a day. For me, the desire to change the way I eat is more about health than it is about weight loss. I just got sick of feeling like my blood was turning to sludge every time I ate KFC. Of course, losing my gut is another desire, don’t get me wrong! But I am focusing on health, and hoping weight will follow soon after.

There were times in the past few years where I decided I wanted to “get healthy” but it never lasted long. “What makes this time any different?” I asked myself while driving to the bookstore a couple weeks back. And I realized…nothing. There will never be a time where a switch in my brain magically gets flipped and I become disciplined, determined, and willing to overhaul a huge part in my life. (This, by the way, applies to all areas of life.) One has to become disciplined- it is a matter of action, and not attitude alone. Amelia Earhart said,

“The most effective way to do it, is to do it.”

Well said Amelia. So, here I am. I am starting somewhere. I am trying. I am learning. I have promised myself grace for the times I will fail, and I have also told myself that I can do this and so shall hold myself to a certain standard.

This blog will be about sharing what I learn as I go: recipes, cooking methods, etc. etc. as well as questions and struggles I have along the way. It’s kind of scary putting your goals out there for others to read, but maybe this is another way to help keep me dedicated. I want this to be a true life change…one that will last with me forever. I promise not all entries will be this technical, but I wanted the first one to be more of an introduction. So, if you’re interested, feel free to follow along. Here’s to the future. Cheers!

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